1. What are the differences between the pre-literate acoustic world and the alphabetical visual world? How does the media of television become a part of the acoustic world?
The pre-literate acoustic world pre-dates the alphabet. The world of the pre-literate acoustic is one of no boundaries, in which information emerges in various places. In the article, the pre-literate world inhabits myth, music, and total immersion. Television carrying these similar characteristics is a resident of the acoustic world. Additionally, the alphabetical visual world is different from the pre-literate world because it wasn't accessible to everyone. Only select people had the luxury of being able to read and interpret texts. This difference glorified the acoustic world because it involved interpretation based on what the person was hearing or seeing, not based on what was written.
2. Why does the alphabet have the segregating tendencies? How exactly does the printing press reverse the segregating tendencies?
The alphabet has segregating tendencies because when it was originally created it was only designed for those who were able to read it. The privileged few capable of reading were then able to spread its meaning to others. The printing press reverses these segregating tendencies because it allows for the mass production of news which can be circulated to more people than before.
3. How does the alphabetic communication in online communication make cyberspace acoustic? How is the online acoustic world different from the television, radio, or print acoustic world?
The alphabetic communication in online communication makes cyberspace acoustic because we created the alphabet as a way to communicate amongst each other. The online acoustic world is different from the television, radio, or print acoustic world because it is closed and we are able to make changes based upon our preferences. For example, using Pandora online radio, the user is capable of manipulating what they listen to based upon their preferences, as opposed to traditional radio.The main difference between online and television is that you can interact with people via chatting and posting. Television does not allow for interactivity between the viewer and television producer.
4. Not only do we invent media and media technologies but also we select their uses in different contexts. What are the two selection criteria? According to the selection criteria, please discuss what will happen to our online communication in 20 years.
The two selection criteria are:
1. "We want media to extend our communications beyond the biological boundaries of naked seeing and hearing."
2. "We want media to recapture elements of that biological communication which early artificial extensions may have lost." - Color television replaced black and white television, because we want to see the natural, realistic world. Additionally, the telephone replacing the telegraph, because the telegraph lacked the human voice element.
In 20 years our online communication will be much more advanced. As humans we will always have the need for more and will never settle for less. Keeping that trend continuing, media will be constantly changing to more advanced technology to quench our thirst for the latest technological release.
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